Monday, May 20, 2024

Letter from the Pastor for Monday, May 20, 2024: Partnering in Ministry

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I hope you had a blessed weekend filled with the presence of God. As we begin a new week, I want to remind you of the importance of your partnership in ministry. Your support enables us to continue our mission of spreading the Gospel and ministering to those in need.

I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to each one of you who has generously donated to our ministry in the past. Your contributions have made a significant impact, allowing us to reach more people with the love of Christ. If you haven't had the opportunity to donate yet, I invite you to prayerfully consider supporting our ministry today.

You can easily make a donation by using the "Buy Me a Cup" button on our website. Your support helps us cover the costs of maintaining our ministry platform and producing quality content that inspires and uplifts others. Thank you for your partnership in advancing the Kingdom of God.

Brother Jesse

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