Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Evening Prayer for Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Loving Father,

As we end this day, we bow our heads in awe of Your perfect love. We thank You for the many ways You have shown Your love to us today.

Lord, as we reflect on the message that perfect love casts out fear, we ask that You fill our hearts with Your perfect love tonight. Help us to release any fears or anxieties we may hold, trusting fully in Your divine care. Grant us restful sleep, and may we awaken with hearts full of courage and peace.

In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

Words from Brother Jesse: Wednesday, July 31, 2024 - Partnering in Ministry

Dear Esteemed Supporters,

I greet you in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Our journey in ministry has been marked by numerous blessings, many of which are made possible through your faithful support. Your contributions have been a cornerstone of our ability to minister effectively and reach those in need.

As we strive to continue this important work, I kindly ask for your partnership once more. Your donations are crucial in helping us sustain our ministry and expand our outreach. Please consider making a donation today by using the "Donate" button on our website. Your support enables us to touch lives with the message of hope and love.

Thank you for your unwavering commitment. May God's favor rest upon you.

In His love,
Brother Jesse
Co-founder & Sr. Chaplain
SFIHG Ministries

Mid-Week Message - About Faith

"Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."  Matthew 19:26 (NIV)

I want to share with you a great miracle that God performed in my life.  When I share this one, I get looks of skepticism, but I assure you it happened just this way.  I was on my way home from work in Austin, Texas one summer evening many years ago.  I was travelling down a busy road at about 50 mph.  I had just made it through a green light when all of a sudden the car in front of me slammed on its brakes which meant that I had to slam on my brakes.  I was barely able to avoid a collision.  What I was unaware of was a large, older model car behind me that was following me very closely.  The driver didn't see what was happening.  I looked in my rear view mirror just in time to see her look up in horror before ramming into the back of my car, a Ford Pinto. But God had other plans.  Her car passed straight through mine.  Her face and my face were as close as if she had been in my back seat.  Afterwards, she and I just sat there trying to piece together what had just happened.  Ford Pintos, if you recall, had faulty gas tanks that could explode on impact. If not for the Lord stepping in to prevent that accident, we both would surely have perished.  

Sometimes I answer those "getting to know you" surveys on Facebook.  One of the questions I recall answering was "have you almost died?"  I said no but then I recalled this incident and realize that my life very well could have ended that day.  I know it is hard to believe.  I was there and it was hard for me to grasp.  I just know it happened and I praise God for protecting me that day, and every other day.

A friend told me once that I have "great faith."  Because I know how much I struggle sometimes to wait upon and trust God for His perfect will, that is difficult for me to take in.  If anyone is able to see Jesus by something I say or do, then I thank Him, not me.  But there are some things about my faith that I do know.  I believe that He is who He says He is.  I believe that He can do what He says He can do and that His love for me, and for you, has no limit.  I believe that He has all power and all knowledge and can be everywhere at the same time.  I believe that although there are countless souls that He has created, that He can be with each of them as if they were His only child. I don't understand it but I believe it.

I take Him at His word because He has shown me too much in my life for me not to.  I don't need to know how many hours or centuries were in each day of creation.  He said six days and that is good enough for me.  I don't need to know how He was able to part the Red Sea so the children of Israel could pass through on dry land.  It is enough to know He did.  I don't have to know for sure if Jonah was swallowed by a whale, a shark or something we are unaware of today or how he wasn't dissolved by the stomach acids.  Scripture says a big fish and God is great enough to keep him safe in there, just as He was able to help men walk through a fiery furnace without being burned, keep Daniel safe in the lion's den and help David kill Goliath with a stone in a sling.  

Simply put, He is.  When Moses asked who he should say sent him, the Lord's reply was "I Am".  If He was able to create the earth and all things in it along with the universes and beyond, then I know He is able to have all control over it all.  A pastor in Austin many years ago was asked how he was so sure God exists.  His answer has always stuck with me.  He said, "I know because I know because I know."  That is faith.  I have enough faith that I don't have to see His face to know He is there.  The evidence of His existence is etched on my soul.  I believe what He says because He has never let me down.  If I am disappointed in an answer to prayer, it is because I have been trying to fit His limitless will into my tiny box of expectation.  He is not bound by what I desire and has always, always, surpassed anything that I could dream of.  I may have to wait awhile, but patience is a fruit of the Spirit that needs more growth in my life.

Where do you stand today?  What is your faith like?  Can you take Him at His word and let Him be who He is or do you need for Him to be who YOU want Him to be?  The created does not get to dictate to the Creator.  I pray that if you find it difficult to trust Him, you will be able to allow yourself to accept Him as He is.  When you are able to do that your eyes will be opened to the myriad of miracles He is still performing everyday.  Don't miss them!  With great love and prayers, God bless you.

Bible Study for Wednesday, July 31, 2024: Perfect Love Casts Out Fear

In this study, we explore the powerful truth that perfect love drives out fear. As we understand and embrace God's perfect love, we are freed from the fear of punishment and can live with confidence and peace. Reflect on how this transformative love can impact your life.

Bible Verses to Read
  • 1 John 4:17-18
Questions to Consider
  • What fears do you struggle with, and how can God's perfect love address them?
  • How does understanding God's love change your perspective on judgment?
  • What steps can you take to allow God's love to cast out fear in your life?
Please share your thoughts and observations in the comment section.

Morning Prayer for Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Loving Father,

Thank You for the gift of this new day. As we rise this Wednesday, we seek Your presence and guidance. Fill our hearts with Your love, so that we may love others as You have commanded. Help us to let go of any fears or anxieties that may hinder our ability to love fully. Grant us the courage to forgive and to seek reconciliation where there is conflict. Let our words and actions today be a testament to Your perfect love, casting out all fear and bringing peace to our hearts and those around us.

In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Evening Prayer for Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Dear Lord,

As the night settles in, we pause to give thanks for Your presence in our lives. We are grateful for Your unwavering love and the assurance it brings to our hearts.

Lord, as we sleep, remind us of the importance of abiding in Your love. Fill us with Your Holy Spirit, that we may find peace and comfort in Your presence. Help us to trust in Your love completely, knowing that it casts out all fear and fills us with divine assurance.

We pray this in Jesus' name. Amen.

Words from Brother Jesse: Tuesday, July 30, 2024 - Blessing Others Through Giving

Dear Friends in Christ,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. Our ministry's mission to share God's love and message relies heavily on the generosity of faithful supporters like you. Your contributions enable us to reach out to many who are in need of spiritual nourishment and support.

Today, I invite you to continue blessing others through your giving. Your donation, made via the "Donate" button on our website, will help us maintain and expand our ministry efforts. Together, we can make a profound impact on the lives of those we serve.

Thank you for your continued support and prayers. May God bless you richly.

In His grace,
Brother Jesse
Co-founder & Sr. Chaplain
SFIHG Ministries

From the Heart of Brother Jesse: Tuesday, July 30, 2024 - Embracing the Command to Love

Dear Faithful Family,

I greet you in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Yesterday’s message on "Living in God's Love" has left a lasting impression on my heart, particularly the command to love one another as Christ has loved us. This command is at the very heart of our Christian faith.

Loving one another can be challenging, especially when we encounter differences and conflicts. Yet, it is in these moments that we must remember Christ’s example. His love was selfless, sacrificial, and unconditional. He loved us even when we were unlovable, extending grace and forgiveness without hesitation.

As you go through your day, I urge you to embrace this command to love. Look for opportunities to show kindness, offer forgiveness, and extend a helping hand. In doing so, you reflect the love of Christ and fulfill His command. Let us be known by the love we share, bringing glory to God and drawing others to Him.

May God’s love shine through you today and always.

In Christ’s love,
Brother Jesse
Co-founder & Sr. Chaplain
SFIHG Ministries

From the Heart of Brother Jesse: Tuesday, July 30, 2024 - Loving One Another

Dear Faithful Family,

As we continue to reflect on the message of "Living in God's Love," I am reminded of the powerful call to love one another. John writes, "Dear friends, since God loved us that much, we surely ought to love each other" (1 John 4:11, NLT). This call is not merely a suggestion but a profound command rooted in the very nature of God’s love for us.

Loving one another can sometimes be challenging, especially when faced with differences or conflicts. Yet, it is in these moments that we must remember the depth of God’s love for us and let that love guide our actions. True love seeks understanding, offers forgiveness, and strives for reconciliation. It is patient, kind, and selfless.

Today, let us commit to embodying this divine love in our interactions. Let us look for opportunities to extend grace, show compassion, and build bridges of understanding. By doing so, we not only fulfill God’s command but also create a community that reflects His love and draws others to Him.

In His love,
Brother Jesse
Co-founder & Sr. Chaplain
SFIHG Ministries

Bible Study for Tuesday, July 30, 2024: Assurance in God's Love

Today, we focus on the assurance that comes from abiding in God's love. Through the presence of the Holy Spirit, we experience a deep connection with God. Reflect on how this assurance can bring peace and confidence to our lives, especially in challenging times.

Bible Verses to Read

  • 1 John 4:13-16
Questions to Consider
  • How does the Holy Spirit provide assurance of God's love in your life?
  • In what ways can you strengthen your trust in God's love?
  • How does abiding in God's love impact your daily decisions and actions?
Please share your thoughts and observations in the comment section.

Morning Prayer for Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Gracious God,

We come before You this Tuesday morning, grateful for another day to experience Your love and grace. As we continue to reflect on the message of living in Your love, help us to see every person we encounter through Your eyes. Teach us to love unconditionally and to extend kindness and compassion to all. Strengthen our faith and our resolve to follow Your commandments. May our actions today reflect Your love and bring glory to Your name.

In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Evening Prayer for Monday, July 29, 2024

Gracious God,

As we close this day, we lift our hearts to You in gratitude and humility. Thank You for guiding us through another day and for the love and grace that sustains us.

Lord, tonight we reflect on the call to love one another. Help us to embody this command in our daily interactions. Teach us to love with patience, kindness, and selflessness, mirroring the love You have shown us. May we wake up tomorrow with renewed hearts, ready to be vessels of Your love.

In Your holy name, we pray. Amen.

Words from Brother Jesse: Monday, July 29, 2024 - Your Generosity Matters

Dear Beloved Community,

As we embark on a new week, I am filled with gratitude for the generosity you have shown our ministry. Your support has been instrumental in allowing us to continue our work and spread the love of Christ far and wide.

I write to you today to ask for your ongoing support. Your donations are vital in sustaining our efforts to provide spiritual guidance, prayer, and uplifting messages to our community. Please consider making a contribution by clicking the "Donate" button on our website. Your gift, no matter the amount, helps us fulfill our mission.

Thank you for your kindness and generosity. May God's blessings be upon you.

In Christ’s love,
Brother Jesse
Co-founder & Sr. Chaplain
SFIHG Ministries

From the Heart of Brother Jesse: Monday, July 29, 2024 - The Depth of God’s Love

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I hope this message finds you well and filled with the peace of our Lord. Reflecting on yesterday’s sermon, "Living in God's Love," I am moved by the profound depth of God’s love for each of us. 1 John 4:7-21 reminds us that love is not merely a fleeting emotion but a divine essence that originates from God Himself.

As we navigate the start of this week, let us remember that God’s love is the foundation upon which our faith is built. His love is unconditional, unwavering, and eternal. It reaches beyond our failures and shortcomings, embracing us with grace and mercy. This divine love is our strength and our hope.

I encourage you to take a moment ea
ch day to meditate on the ways God has shown His love to you. Allow His love to fill your heart and overflow into your interactions with others. Let us strive to live out this love, becoming beacons of hope and compassion in a world that so desperately needs it.

May God’s love guide and sustain you throughout this week.

In His service,
Brother Jesse
Co-founder & Sr. Chaplain
SFIHG Ministries

From the Heart of Brother Jesse: Monday, July 29, 2024 - The Foundation of Love

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I trust that yesterday’s message on "Living in God's Love" has touched your hearts as profoundly as it did mine. Today, I want to take a moment to reflect further on the foundation of love as it originates from God. John teaches us that "love comes from God" (1 John 4:7, NLT), reminding us that love is not merely an emotion but a divine attribute that flows from our Creator.

As we go about our daily lives, let us continually draw from this divine source of love. It is through understanding and experiencing God’s love that we are empowered to love others. Take a moment today to meditate on the ways God has shown His love to you—through the beauty of creation, the kindness of friends, the gift of salvation, and the presence of the Holy Spirit in your life.

Let this reflection inspire you to extend love to those around you. Whether it’s a kind word, a helping hand, or a prayer for someone in need, remember that every act of love is a reflection of God’s love in us. May we be conduits of this divine love, making a difference in our communities and in the lives of those we encounter.

In His service,
Brother Jesse
Co-founder & Sr. Chaplain
SFIHG Ministries

Bible Study for Monday, July 29, 2024: The Call to Love One Another

In today's study, we delve into the call to love one another as a response to God's immense love for us. This love is not optional but a natural outflow of our relationship with God. Reflect on how we can embody this love in our community and personal relationships.

Bible Verses to Read
  • 1 John 4:11-12
Questions to Consider
  • Why is loving one another a necessary response to God's love?
  • How can you make God's love visible in your interactions with others?
  • What practical steps can you take to show love to those around you?
Please share your thoughts and observations in the comment section.

Morning Prayer for Monday, July 29, 2024

Dear Lord,

We thank You for the gift of this new day and the opportunities it brings. As we embark on this Monday, we seek Your guidance and strength. Help us to carry the lessons from yesterday's message into our daily lives, loving others as You have loved us. Grant us patience and understanding as we interact with those around us. Fill our hearts with Your peace and joy, and help us to be a shining light in our communities. May we be mindful of Your presence in every moment and strive to live in a way that honors You.

In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Evening Prayer for Sunday, July 28, 2024

Heavenly Father,

As the day draws to a close, we come before You with grateful hearts for the blessings You have bestowed upon us. We thank You for the love that You have poured into our lives and for the opportunity to reflect on Your word today.

Lord, as we rest tonight, help us to internalize the message of Your boundless love. May we remember that love originates from You and that we are called to share this divine love with those around us. Grant us peaceful sleep and prepare our hearts for the week ahead, filled with opportunities to reflect Your love.

In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Words from Brother Jesse: Sunday, July 28, 2024 - Supporting Our Mission

Dear Faithful Supporters,

I pray this letter finds you well. As we continue to share the love of Christ and spread His message, I am reminded of the tremendous impact we can make when we work together. Our ministry has been blessed by your unwavering support, which has enabled us to reach countless souls with the Gospel.

Today, I humbly ask for your continued support. Your generous donations help us maintain our online presence, create valuable content, and extend our reach to those in need. Please consider making a donation today by using the "Donate" button on our website. Every contribution, no matter the size, makes a significant difference.

Thank you for partnering with us in this divine mission. May God bless you abundantly.

In His service,
Brother Jesse
Co-founder & Sr. Chaplain
SFIHG Ministries

Living in God's Love

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, I extend a warm and heartfelt greeting to each of you. As we gather today, either in spirit or in person, I invite you to join me in reflecting on the profound and transformative power of God's love as revealed in 1 John 4:7-21. This passage speaks to the very essence of our faith, emphasizing that love is not merely an attribute of God but His very nature. In our journey through these verses, we will explore how God's love manifests in our lives, calling us to love one another and providing us with the assurance and confidence to live fearlessly. To illustrate the significance of love, let me share a personal story. Recently, I witnessed a small act of kindness that left a lasting impact on my heart. A stranger's simple gesture of compassion reminded me that it is through our love for one another that we truly experience the presence of God. As we delve into today's message, let us open our hearts and minds to the divine love that binds us together and transforms our lives.

In verses 7 to 10 of 1 John 4, we are reminded that love originates from God Himself. The apostle John begins by urging us to love one another, for love comes from God. This love is not merely a human emotion or a fleeting feeling; it is a divine attribute that defines the very nature of God. "Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God" (1 John 4:7, NLT). Here, John highlights that our ability to love authentically is a testament to our relationship with God. To truly know God is to embody His love.

Furthermore, John makes a profound statement: "Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love" (1 John 4:8, NLT). This declaration underscores that to lack love is to lack a true understanding of God. Love is the very essence of His being. In verses 9 and 10, we see the ultimate manifestation of God's love: "God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him. This is real love—not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins" (1 John 4:9-10, NLT). God's love is sacrificial and selfless, epitomized in the sending of His Son, Jesus Christ, as the atoning sacrifice for our sins.

This passage challenges us to reflect on the depth of God's love and how it influences our daily lives. It calls us to embrace and share this divine love, understanding that it is through our love for others that we demonstrate our connection to God. As we contemplate these verses, let us consider how we can mirror God's sacrificial love in our interactions, extending grace, compassion, and kindness to those around us.

As we move into verses 11 and 12, the apostle John continues to emphasize the imperative of loving one another. He writes, "Dear friends, since God loved us that much, we surely ought to love each other" (1 John 4:11, NLT). Here, John appeals to us with a compelling logic: if God has demonstrated such immense love for us by sending His Son to die for our sins, it is only fitting that we respond by loving one another. This love is not optional but a natural and necessary response to experiencing God's love.

John further explains that "No one has ever seen God. But if we love each other, God lives in us, and his love is brought to full expression in us" (1 John 4:12, NLT). Though we cannot see God with our physical eyes, His presence becomes evident through our love for one another. When we practice genuine love, God’s love is perfected in us and becomes visible to the world. Our love for each other is a testament to God's indwelling presence and the transformative power of His love.

The practical implications of these verses are profound. They call us to action, challenging us to move beyond mere words and intentions to actual deeds of love and kindness. As members of the body of Christ, we are called to reflect God's love in our interactions, to forgive as we have been forgiven, and to serve one another selflessly. This can be manifested in simple, everyday actions—offering a listening ear, helping those in need, or showing compassion and understanding.

In our community and beyond, let us strive to be conduits of God’s love, making it tangible and real in the lives of those we encounter. As we embody this divine love, we fulfill God’s command and allow His love to reach its fullest expression through us.

In verses 13 through 16, John provides us with the assurance that comes from abiding in God's love. He writes, "And God has given us his Spirit as proof that we live in him and he in us" (1 John 4:13, NLT). The presence of the Holy Spirit within us is the evidence of our union with God. It is through the Holy Spirit that we experience and understand God's love on a deeper level, and it is by this Spirit that we testify to the world about the saving grace of Jesus Christ.

John continues, "Furthermore, we have seen with our own eyes and now testify that the Father sent his Son to be the Savior of the world" (1 John 4:14, NLT). This testimony is rooted in the apostles' firsthand experience with Jesus, and it serves as a foundation for our faith. By acknowledging Jesus as the Son of God, we affirm our belief in His divine mission and His role as our Savior. "All who declare that Jesus is the Son of God have God living in them, and they live in God" (1 John 4:15, NLT). This declaration of faith establishes a reciprocal relationship—we live in God, and He lives in us.

Verse 16 further solidifies our confidence in God's love: "We know how much God loves us, and we have put our trust in his love. God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them" (1 John 4:16, NLT). Trusting in God's love means relying on His character and promises, even when circumstances are challenging. It means recognizing that God's love is steadfast and unchanging, providing us with a firm foundation on which to build our lives.

This assurance in God's love gives us peace and confidence. It reminds us that we are not alone; God's presence is with us through His Spirit, guiding, comforting, and empowering us. As we dwell in God's love, we are called to reflect this love in our actions and interactions, demonstrating the reality of God's presence in our lives. Let us take comfort in the assurance that God's love is always with us, and let this assurance inspire us to love others with the same depth and commitment.

In verses 17 and 18, John addresses the transformative power of perfect love in our lives, particularly in relation to fear. He writes, "And as we live in God, our love grows more perfect. So we will not be afraid on the day of judgment, but we can face him with confidence because we live like Jesus here in this world" (1 John 4:17, NLT). Living in God's love means that our love matures and becomes more complete. This maturity gives us confidence, especially regarding the day of judgment, as we know that we are aligned with God's will and living out His love in our daily lives.

John continues with a profound truth: "Such love has no fear because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love" (1 John 4:18, NLT). Here, John emphasizes that fear and love are incompatible. When we truly understand and embrace God's perfect love, it drives out all fear, particularly the fear of punishment. This fear is often rooted in an incomplete understanding of God's grace and love. Perfect love reassures us that we are accepted and forgiven, diminishing our anxieties about judgment.

The application of these verses is immensely practical. Many of us struggle with fears and insecurities—fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of the future. Yet, John's message encourages us to immerse ourselves in God's perfect love, allowing it to dispel these fears. As we grow in our relationship with God and experience the fullness of His love, we find that our fears are replaced with confidence and peace. We are liberated to live boldly and courageously, knowing that we are held securely in God's loving embrace.

This call to embrace perfect love challenges us to deepen our trust in God and to allow His love to transform our hearts and minds. As we do so, we can face life's uncertainties and trials with a calm assurance, knowing that we are loved unconditionally. Let us commit to experiencing and sharing this perfect love, allowing it to cast out all fears and to empower us to live as faithful followers of Christ.

In the concluding verses of this passage, John delves into the profound relationship between love and faith. He begins with a simple yet powerful statement: "We love each other because he loved us first" (1 John 4:19, NLT). This verse underscores the origin of our ability to love—it stems from God's initial act of love toward us. Our love for others is a response to and a reflection of the love that we have received from God. It is not through our own strength or merit that we can love, but through the divine love that has been poured into our hearts.

John continues by addressing a critical issue: the inconsistency of claiming to love God while harboring hatred towards others. "If someone says, ‘I love God,’ but hates a fellow believer, that person is a liar; for if we don’t love people we can see, how can we love God, whom we cannot see?" (1 John 4:20, NLT). This verse challenges us to examine the authenticity of our love for God. True love for God must inevitably express itself in love for our fellow believers. If we fail to love those whom we can see and interact with, our claim to love the invisible God is called into question.

Finally, John concludes with a commandment that encapsulates the essence of the Christian faith: "And he has given us this command: Those who love God must also love their fellow believers" (1 John 4:21, NLT). This commandment is not a suggestion or an optional part of our faith; it is a mandate. Loving others is an integral part of loving God. The two are inseparable and interdependent. Our faith in God and our love for Him are demonstrated and validated through our love for others.

In practical terms, this means that our faith should be lived out in tangible acts of love and kindness. It calls us to forgive, to show compassion, and to serve one another selflessly. It challenges us to break down barriers of prejudice and division, to seek reconciliation, and to build communities rooted in love and mutual respect. As we embody this divine love, we bear witness to the reality of God's presence in our lives and in our world.

Let us take these words to heart and commit to living out our faith through love. By doing so, we not only fulfill God's commandment but also become instruments of His love, bringing healing, hope, and transformation to those around us.

As we reflect on the profound truths found in 1 John 4:7-21, we are reminded of the centrality of love in our Christian faith. We have explored the origins of love in God, our call to love one another, the assurance of God's love, the power of perfect love to cast out fear, and the inseparable link between love and faith. However, it is important to acknowledge that loving our fellow believers is not always easy. There are times when conflicts arise, differences seem insurmountable, and forgiveness feels out of reach. Yet, in these moments, we are called to rise above our human inclinations and strive to be more Christ-like in our love.

Jesus himself commanded us in John 13:34-35, saying, "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." This command is both a challenge and a promise. It challenges us to love as Jesus loved—with patience, humility, and self-sacrifice. It promises that through our love, we will reveal our identity as His disciples to the world.

As we conclude today's message, let us commit to embodying this Christ-like love, even when it is difficult. Let us remember that our ability to love comes from God's love for us and that He equips us through His Spirit to overcome our struggles and extend grace to others. Let us seek to understand, to forgive, and to build bridges of reconciliation within our community.

In the week ahead, may we meditate on these truths and ask God to fill our hearts with His perfect love, driving out all fear and empowering us to love one another deeply and sincerely. Let us be known as a community of believers who live out the love of Christ, shining His light in a world that so desperately needs it.

Bible Study for Sunday, July 28, 2024: The Source of Love

Today, we explore the foundation of love as it originates from God. The apostle John teaches us that love is not merely an emotion but a divine attribute. As we dive into these verses, let us reflect on how understanding God's love can transform our relationships and interactions with others.

Bible Verses to Read
  • 1 John 4:7-10
Questions to Consider
  • How does recognizing that love comes from God change your perspective on love?
  • In what ways have you experienced God's love in your life?
  • How can you reflect God's sacrificial love in your daily interactions?
Please share your thoughts and observations in the comment section.

Morning Prayer for Sunday, July 28, 2024

Heavenly Father,

As we begin this blessed Sunday, we come before You with grateful hearts, thanking You for the gift of a new day. Lord, we ask that You fill our hearts with Your love and peace as we gather to worship and reflect on Your Word. Open our minds to the message of "Living in God's Love," and help us to understand and embrace the depth of Your love for us. Guide us to love one another as You have loved us, and let our lives be a testament to Your presence within us. May this day be filled with joy, fellowship, and a renewed commitment to live out Your commands.

In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Evening Prayer for Saturday, July 27, 2024

Heavenly Father,

As we end this week, we come before You with hearts full of gratitude for Your many blessings. Reflecting on Joshua’s life, we seek to emulate his faith, courage, and obedience. Help us to walk boldly in the paths You have set before us.

Grant us peaceful rest tonight and prepare our hearts for the coming week. May we continue to grow in faith and trust, always relying on Your promises.

In Christ’s name, we pray. Amen.

Words from Brother Jesse - Saturday, July 27, 2024: Partnering in Faith

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

As we conclude this week, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for your continued support of our ministry. Your financial contributions are a testament to your faith and dedication to our mission.

By partnering with us through your donations, you are helping to spread the Gospel and provide spiritual nourishment to our community. Your generosity enables us to reach more people and make a positive impact in their lives.

Please consider making a donation today. Together, we can continue to fulfill the mission God has entrusted to us.

With Blessings,
Brother Jesse
Co-founder & Sr. Chaplain
SFIHG Ministries

Invitation to Reflect on God's Love

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I pray this letter finds you in good health and spirits. I am writing to share an exciting announcement about an upcoming message that I believe will deeply resonate with each of you. On Sunday, July 28, 2024, I will be sharing a new message on our ministry blog titled "Living in God's Love," based on the transformative passage of 1 John 4:7-21.

In this message, we will delve into the essence of God's love, our call to love one another, and the assurance and power that come from living in His perfect love. We will also explore the challenges we face in loving our fellow believers and the importance of striving to be more Christ-like, as Jesus commanded us in John 13:34-35.

I encourage you to mark your calendars for this significant message. It is my hope that it will inspire and challenge us all to deepen our understanding and practice of God's love in our daily lives. Please take a moment to read and reflect on this message when it is posted.

Moreover, I kindly ask that you share the message link with your friends and family. Let us spread the word and extend the blessing of this message to others, fostering a community united in love and faith.

Thank you for your continued support and dedication to our ministry. May God bless you abundantly as we journey together in His love.

In His service,
Brother Jesse
Co-founder & Sr. Chaplain
SFIHG Ministries

Bible Study for Saturday, July 27, 2024: Unity and Community in Leadership

Today's study highlights the importance of unity and community in leadership. Joshua’s ability to unite the Israelites under a common vision was crucial for their success. This unity is a powerful reminder of the strength that comes from working together in faith.

Bible Verses to Read
  • Joshua 3:1-5
  • Ephesians 4:1-6
  • Colossians 3:12-14
Questions to Consider
  • How did Joshua foster unity among the Israelites?
  • Why is unity important in achieving God’s purposes?
  • How can we promote and maintain unity within our own communities?
Please share your thoughts and observations in the comment section. Let us strive to build a strong, unified community that reflects the love and purpose of God.

Morning Prayer for Saturday, July 27, 2024

Blessed Lord,

As we approach the end of the week, we thank You for Your constant presence and support. May the example of Joshua’s courage and faith continue to inspire us as we reflect on the lessons learned. Grant us the strength to conclude our week with a renewed spirit and a heart full of gratitude. Help us to carry forward the courage and trust we have gained and to share Your love with others. Bless our endeavors and keep us in Your peace.

Through Jesus Christ,


Friday, July 26, 2024

Evening Prayer for Friday, July 26, 2024

Almighty God,

As we close this day, we give thanks for Your unwavering presence in our lives. Today, we focused on the importance of community and unity in leadership. Help us to foster strong, supportive relationships that reflect Your love.

Bless us with restful sleep and renew our spirits. May we continue to build a community grounded in faith, love, and unity, always striving to uplift and support one another.

In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Words from Brother Jesse - Friday, July 26, 2024: Sustaining Our Mission

Dear Beloved Community,

As we near the end of the week, I want to remind you of the importance of your financial support to our ministry. Your donations sustain our mission to spread the Gospel, provide spiritual guidance, and support those in need.

Your generosity allows us to continue creating content that inspires and uplifts, just like our recent messages about Joshua. It helps us maintain our online presence and develop new programs to reach more people.

Please consider making a donation today. Your support is essential in helping us continue this important work.

In His Service,
Brother Jesse
Co-founder & Sr. Chaplain
SFIHG Ministries

From the Heart of Brother Jesse - Friday, July 26, 2024: Building a Strong Community

Dear Loved Ones,

Reflecting on Joshua’s leadership, one of the most powerful aspects was his ability to unite the Israelites. This unity was crucial for their success in conquering the Promised Land. Joshua’s story teaches us the importance of fostering a strong, supportive community.

In our ministry and in our daily lives, building and maintaining unity is essential. It is through our collective faith, support, and encouragement that we can overcome challenges and fulfill God’s purposes. Let us strive to create a community where love, faith, and unity are the foundation.

Reach out to one another, offer support, and work together towards common goals. As we build each other up, we reflect the love of Christ and become a beacon of hope and strength to those around us.

With Love and Unity,
Brother Jesse
Co-founder & Sr. Chaplain
SFIHG Ministries

Bible Study for Friday, July 26, 2024: Courage in Our Daily Lives

In this study, we focus on applying the lessons from Joshua’s life to our daily challenges. By cultivating courage, we can face uncertainties with faith and trust in God's unwavering support.

Bible Verses to Read
  • Joshua 1:9
  • Psalm 27:1-3
  • Ephesians 6:10-18
Questions to Consider
  • What specific areas in your life require more courage and faith?
  • How can you practically cultivate courage in your daily walk with God?
  • In what ways can the community support each other in building courage?
Please share your thoughts and observations in the comment section. Let us encourage and support one another in living courageously through faith.

Morning Prayer for Friday, July 26, 2024

Heavenly Father,

We come before You with grateful hearts as we start this day. Reflecting on the courage shown by Joshua, we ask for Your strength to guide us through today’s tasks. Help us to overcome any fears or doubts with faith in Your promises. Fill our hearts with peace and clarity, and may our actions be a testament to Your love and guidance. We pray for wisdom in our decisions and for Your grace to be evident in all we do.

In the name of our Savior,


Thursday, July 25, 2024

Evening Prayer for Thursday, July 25, 2024

Merciful God,

We end this day with hearts full of gratitude for Your unending grace. Reflecting on Joshua’s conquest of Jericho, we are reminded of the power of trusting in Your plans. Help us to face our own “Jerichos” with faith and courage.

Grant us a restful night and fill our hearts with peace. May we rise tomorrow ready to follow Your guidance and to trust in Your ways.

In Your holy name, we pray. Amen.

Words from Brother Jesse - Thursday, July 25, 2024: A Call to Generosity

Dear Friends in Christ,

Generosity is a powerful expression of our faith and love. Today, I am calling on you to support our ministry through your financial gifts. Your donations are a vital part of our ability to continue sharing the Gospel and supporting our community.

With your help, we can continue to provide valuable resources, support those in need, and spread the message of hope and salvation. Every donation, no matter the size, makes a significant impact.

Please consider making a donation today. Let us come together in generosity and faith.

With Thanks,
Brother Jesse
Co-founder & Sr. Chaplain
SFIHG Ministries

From the Heart of Brother Jesse - Thursday, July 25, 2024: The Power of Obedience

Dear Faithful Family,

As we continue to meditate on the life of Joshua, one aspect that stands out is his obedience to God’s commands. When God instructed him on how to conquer Jericho, Joshua followed every detail with unwavering faith. This obedience, even when the instructions seemed unconventional, led to a miraculous victory.

In our own lives, God often calls us to act in ways that may not make sense to us. He asks for our trust and obedience. It is through this obedience that we see His power and glory manifested in our lives.

Let us commit to following God’s guidance, no matter how unconventional it may seem. Trust that His ways are higher than our ways and that His plans are for our good. Obedience to God is the pathway to experiencing His miraculous work in our lives.

In Faith,
Brother Jesse
Co-founder & Sr. Chaplain
SFIHG Ministries

Bible Study for Thursday, July 25, 2024: Lessons from Joshua’s Leadership

Today, we delve into the key lessons from Joshua’s leadership, focusing on his faith, courage, obedience, humility, and unity. These qualities are essential for anyone aspiring to lead with integrity and honor.

Bible Verses to Read

  • Joshua 24:14-15
  • 1 Timothy 4:12
  • 1 Peter 5:2-3
Questions to Consider
  • How did Joshua’s leadership qualities impact the Israelites’ journey?
  • Which of Joshua's qualities do you find most inspiring, and why?
  • How can we develop these qualities in our own leadership roles?
Please share your thoughts and observations in the comment section. Let us learn from Joshua's example and grow in our leadership qualities together.

Morning Prayer for Thursday, July 25, 2024

Lord of Hosts,

As we begin this day, we seek Your guidance and blessing. Inspired by Joshua’s unwavering faith, grant us the courage to face our own challenges with a steadfast heart. Help us to remain focused on Your promises and to trust in Your provision. Let our actions today reflect Your love and grace, and may we find strength in Your presence. Fill us with a spirit of unity and support as we work together to fulfill Your will.

In Jesus’ name, we pray,


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Evening Prayer for Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Loving Father,

As the day comes to a close, we are grateful for Your steadfast love and faithfulness. Today, we considered the lessons from Joshua’s leadership. May we embody the qualities of faith, courage, and unity in our own lives.

Bless us with peaceful rest and renew our strength. Guide us to lead with integrity and humility, always seeking to reflect Your love in all we do.

In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Words from Brother Jesse - Wednesday, July 24, 2024: Empowering Our Ministry

Dear Faithful Family,

Today, I am reaching out to ask for your continued support of our ministry. Your donations empower us to continue our mission of spreading the Gospel and providing spiritual nourishment to our community.

Every contribution helps us maintain our online presence, develop new resources, and extend our outreach. Your generosity enables us to touch lives and bring the hope and love of Christ to many.

Please consider making a donation today. Your support is crucial in sustaining our ministry and its impact.

In Faith,
Brother Jesse
Co-founder & Sr. Chaplain
SFIHG Ministries

Mid-Week Message - Projecting the Aroma of Christ

"Our lives are a Christ-like fragrance rising up to God. But this fragrance is perceived differently by those who are being saved and by those who are perishing. To those who are perishing, we are a dreadful smell of death and doom. But to those who are being saved, we are a life-giving perfume. And who is adequate for such a task as this?"  2 Corinthians 2:15-16 (NLT)

Our sense of smell creates and recalls to mind memories that can both touch our hearts or turn our stomachs.  For instance, I will forever remember the way my mother smelled after she took a bath.  Her blend of bubble bath and bath powder coupled with a hint of perfume would permeate the house.  It was a sweet aroma that made the house feel even more like home.  One evening recently that fragrance came to me.  It was just an ordinary evening but suddenly those memories were triggered by that familiar smell.  I still have no idea from whence it came but it made me feel close to her even though she passed away fifteen years ago.  Not all smells are pleasant however.  I have heard medical professionals speak of the stench of burnt flesh and how it is something they will never be able to forget even though it causes them to feel ill at the very thought of it.  

I love the smell of coffee.  I have been known to stand in the coffee aisle in the grocery store just to take in the wonderful earthy scent as long as I could.  Not everyone likes that smell though.  To me it is a pleasure, to others it is something to be avoided.  This week's verse discusses the dichotomy of our lives being a Christ-like fragrance.  To some it symbolizes life but to others death.  

This has caused me to do some introspection.  What does it mean?  If we are to live lives that are "a Christ-like fragrance rising up to God", what are we to do?  I see in this verse what is ideal. Ideally we are to reflect our Lord as He is.  Ideally, we are to live our lives in such a manner that others will be drawn to us, not because of us, but because of Him in us.  However, most of us do not present ourselves in such a manner at all times, or even most of the time.  We get caught up in whatever is happening in the moment and forget that He is living in us.  We fail to project His love, His hope, His power.  

When we accept Jesus as our personal Savior, we are born anew.  The Holy Spirit comes to dwell within us and we begin to grow closer to Him and become more like Him.  There are times though that we revert back to our old ways.  Our old speech patterns come back.  Old habits such as worry and defeatism return.  We forget that those around us who do not know Him are watching us to see how we rely on Him to help us through troubled times.  In so doing, we lose the sweet aroma and emit a sour smell of hopelessness.  An unsaved person that witnesses this may conclude that since we say we are Christians yet do not have confidence in Jesus, that there is no reason for them to either.  If we turn to Him, praise Him and openly trust Him, then we present the opposite.  The fragrance will be one that draws others in and creates a desire to know more about our Lord.  It is one that will speak life and joy.

We have an enemy whose main purpose is to snatch us away from Jesus.  He doesn't want us to reach others with the Truth.  He hates anything that points the way to the Almighty.  So he is quite pleased when we fall back into our old ways.  He revels at the stench of death.  Let's not give him that satisfaction.  We belong to Christ.  That needs to be our identity, our purpose and our very breath.  

As we go through this next week, let's be on guard so that the fragrance we project is Christ-like.  It will mean being alert and conscious of our words and actions at all times.  That's okay though.  The Holy Spirit will help us.  Love and blessings to all. 

Bible Study for Wednesday, July 24, 2024: Facing and Conquering Jericho

In today's study, we reflect on the conquest of Jericho, a powerful example of Joshua's faith in God's unconventional plans. This story illustrates the importance of trusting God even when His methods defy human logic.

Bible Verses to Read
  • Joshua 6:1-20
  • Hebrews 11:30
  • Proverbs 3:5-6
Questions to Consider
  • What can we learn from Joshua's obedience to God's unique strategy for conquering Jericho?
  • How does trusting God’s plan, even when it seems illogical, strengthen our faith?
  • What “Jerichos” in our lives require us to trust in God’s unconventional methods?
Please share your thoughts and observations in the comment section. Let us build each other up in faith as we face and conquer our own challenges.