"For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you." Isaiah 41:13 (NIV)
One of the vivid memories from my childhood is a time that there was a thunderstorm in Amarillo, Texas. It was in the middle of the night and I was scared. As I always did when I was afraid at night, I called out for my Daddy. He came in to check on me and asked me what was wrong, even though he already knew. Because I was feeling so insecure, he pulled my bed away from the window and positioned it near the door so that I could see across the hall to my parents' bedroom and know he was there and I was safe.
I think back on that night now and realize what a beautiful picture it is of my relationship with God. When I am scared, He is always there. No matter what time of day or what the situation, He is always there to help me feel secure. Just as my earthly father acknowledged my fear, so does the Lord. During this past year there have been numerous times when I didn't know what was going to happen next. Our lives were completely turned upside down and I found myself in unfamiliar territory not knowing what my next step should be or in which direction. To say there were days when I was terrified is an understatement. But I knew where I could go for refuge.
Psalm 23:4 in the King James Version says, "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me." When I read that there is something that jumps out at me and that is the word "shadow." In order for there to be a shadow, there must be a source of light. Since God is light, we know that even in those deep, frightening valleys we can be sure of His presence. If we know that He is there then whatever is causing our fear loses its power.
Fear is a powerful tool used against us by the enemy. He loves it when we feel frightened and alone. It creates an opportunity for him to whisper such things to us as, "Where is your God now?" He wants us to doubt the Lord's presence. He wants us to feel isolated so that our faith will be shaken. His goal is to create a wall of doubt that will separate us from the Father. What we have to keep in mind is that there is nothing greater than the Almighty. His greatness is always bigger than any situation we can find ourselves in and His light will always overcome any darkness that the enemy attempts to create. We just have to have our eyes open to see it.
I don't know what your circumstances are. I share my own experiences in hopes that they may resonate with something you are either going through currently or have gone through. My prayer is always that hearts can be touched in a timely manner and that the Lord will use the words He gives me to reach into lives that are needing to see His light. I have no reason to write these messages except to glorify Him. I pray for each of you and ask for His blessings in your lives. If you are in a place of fear today, my hope is that you will see the Light that dwarfs whatever is causing your fear. That light is the reassurance that you are not alone. Keep your eyes on the Light rather than whatever is causing you to be fearful. The temporary will always lose out to the eternal.
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