Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Mid-Week Message - But With God....

"Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible." Matthew 19:26 (NLT)

Several years ago, the students at the school where I was working had a "jog-a-fun".  This was a yearly fundraiser that brought in funds for items the school would not otherwise be able to afford, such as sports equipment.  Students obtained sponsors that would pay a chosen amount per lap that the student was able to run within a given time.  I will never forget one young boy.  He was not particularly athletically inclined but he wanted so much to run many laps and help his school.  As I watched him, I could tell that he was saying something.  As I moved closer I heard him repeat over and over, "With God, all things are possible."  

It seems that each day is a marathon that must be run.  We get out of bed and encounter the same issues and problems that we had the day before plus whatever new occurrences the day might bring.  If you're like me you find yourself wondering how much more you can humanly manage.  Maybe you have a grouchy boss who is never satisfied.  You may have financial worries that you feel you will never be able to surmount.  Health problems might plague you with bad reports that never seem to end.  Whatever your specific life brings can be overwhelming and lead you to a feeling of utter defeat.  

I was speaking with a friend that felt she had ruined the potential for a job she really wanted because she had water marks on the front of her jacket and didn't notice.  She was horrified and worried that she would be judged by that rather than her skills and abilities.  Even though her interview had gone extremely well, she made up her mind that she had lost the possibility of being hired and sank into despair.  As I tried to console and encourage her these words from Zechariah came to mind, "Not by might nor by power but by my spirit says the Lord."  You see she had spent much time in prayer over this opportunity.  She had repeatedly asked for the Lord to be in control.  When she found the water marks though, she completely forgot about asking Him to orchestrate the day.  I asked her this, "Who was in charge of this day?  Were you or was the Lord?"  

When we ask the Father to take the reins of the situations in our lives, we need to trust that He hears and honors our request.  When we read scripture we see Him accomplish the impossible over and over again.  Seas parting, donkeys talking, people being raised from the dead, healings, and water turning into wine are just a few examples.  My question is this, if God sent His Son Jesus to save our souls, if He went to that extreme to show us how deeply He loves us, why would we ever think that He would be unable to take care of the big things in our lives?  He is Almighty God.  Our mountains are His anthills.  There is nothing too difficult, too complicated, too worrisome or impossible for Him to handle.  

Are you praying about something that is overpowering you?  Are you asking God to take control and to solve a problem?  Then I have a couple of suggestions.  Number one, once you ask Him to take control, lay the problem at His feet and walk away.  Number two, trust Him.  If you care about it, He cares about it and He will never abandon you.  Once He takes control, you can be assured that a solution is coming.  Keep your eyes and ears open because you don't want to miss anything that He might do and keep your heart and mind in the Word and believe.  He is able when we are not.  God bless you. 

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