"Now glory be to God, who by his mighty power at work within us is able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream of—infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts or hopes. May he be given glory forever and ever through endless ages because of his master plan of salvation for the Church through Jesus Christ." Ephesians 3:20-21 (TLB)
I have been talking with someone of late who wishes to make a big move. This person has decided it will never happen because of all the details that would have to work out just right in order for this dream to become reality. After trying to figure out how to make it happen for an extended period of time, this person can see no possibility and has decided that "it must be God's will that I stay where I do not want to stay."
When I was thirty-three years old, after praying for years and asking the Lord to bring someone special into my life, I gave up. I can remember telling a friend that I just couldn't keep baring my heart to the Lord only to feel that He was never going to answer my request. I had been to so many weddings and caught numerous bouquets and I didn't want to continue to hope for something that "obviously" was not the Lord's will for my life. You know what her reply was? She said she didn't agree and that she was going to take up praying where I left off.
Within weeks, I had fallen in love with a man I worked only about ten or fifteen feet away from. To make a long story short, our first date was on April 27th, he proposed on May 27th and we got married on August 24th. All in 1991. We celebrated our thirty-second wedding anniversary this year. It wasn't a matter of whether God was going to bring this man into my life. It was only a timing issue.
Believe me when I tell you that I totally understand the emotional and spiritual pain of praying for something for an extended period of time only to wonder if He even is hearing me. But I have learned, not only through the story of finding my life partner, but many other times that I have taken my requests to the Father, that I can never out-dream Him. Sometimes, the answer has been no. However, when that has been the response, He has never failed to bless me with far more than I could ever have imagined.
His love for us is immeasurable. Our minds are incapable of conceiving all the good things He has in store for us. There is nothing that is impossible for Him. Our dreams and desires will never compare to His wonders. If He would allow His only Son to die in our place in order to restore us into right fellowship with Him, then what further proof could we possibly need?
I am acutely aware of the situations that some of you are currently facing. There are many of you experiencing health challenges that my mind cannot even begin to understand. There are those who have been searching for jobs for months and are wondering how bills are going to be paid. I know of a family whose daughter was missing for over twelve years and her body was just discovered earlier this year. I can't even imagine their grief. I wish I had the answers that you are seeking. Although I do not, I know the One who does. Please do not give up laying your needs at His feet. His promises are true and He is faithful. He hears you and catches every tear that falls from your eyes. Whatever path you are on, He already sees the end and knows just what you need. Keep trusting. Keep holding His hand. Allow those around you to help by praying with and for you.
And, in the event that you have grown too weary to continue, please let me know. I would be honored to represent you before our Father. God bless.
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