Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Mid-Week Message - One Perfect Arrow

Sin.  That ugly three letter word that never leaves us alone.  We all know it quite well because we all have sinned.  Scripture teaches us that the only sinless person that every lived was Jesus.  Let's examine this concept and see where it leads us.

The word "sin" is actually an archery term that means "missing the mark".  It references shooting an arrow and missing its intended target.  When you understand that then it is easier to understand why it is such a part of each of our lives.  If I told you to stand in the center of the Sistine Chapel and jump up and touch the ceiling, would you be able to do it?  Of course not.  Now that is a rather elementary example, but it works because no one would be able to do it.  Some may jump higher than others, but no one would be able to touch the ceiling, therefore, everyone would miss the mark.

God created us with free will.  Because He did, we have the freedom of choice and we sometimes make the wrong choices.  Notice that Adam and Eve didn't last very long in the Garden of Eden before they made the wrong choice.  When they chose to listen to the serpent and eat the apple they missed the mark which was to not eat of that tree.  They thought that what the serpent said made more sense than what God said and opted to disobey the Lord.  They sinned.

How many times have you chosen to listen to a voice other than that of our Heavenly Father?  If you are like me, then there are far, far too many to count.  Now let me ask you a different question. Whose responsibility is it when we listen to the wrong voice?  Does it belong to who or what enticed us or to us personally?  Now think about that carefully.  I ask because we have developed the habit of removing blame from ourselves.  I'm not asking if the enticer did wrong.  Clearly that is another matter altogether.  If we are the ones who listen, believe and follow through with what we have been tempted with, then we miss the mark, which is to seek out what God would say and follow His instruction.

Someone I love dearly came to me this week and took responsibility for my sin.  That person's argument was that if they had done something different then I would not have sinned. I have to tell you that it sure was tempting to say, "Yes!  You're right!  I am the way I am because of you."  But that would have been another sin, lying.  The truth is, what I did I chose to do on my own.  It is something I have wrestled with my entire life.  We are old buddies, this behavior and I.  It isn't anyone else's fault if I choose to indulge, because I know better.  I know what the Lord teaches.  The responsibility to make the correct choice was mine and mine alone.  It doesn't belong to this loved one, my parents, teachers, circumstances, environment, "disease" (which is the most acceptable way we excuse ourselves), or anyone or anything else.  Me.  I did it.

How wonderful that our Creator knew ahead of time that we would need forgiveness and that He made such a sacrificial provision for it.  Our hope, our promise, our redemption, our lives, lie in the scars of Jesus.  On the cross He took the punishment for our wrong choices.  The One who had no sin, bled and died for those of us who do.  The blessing of this is that when God looks upon His children, He sees the blood of His Son and sees us without all the messes we have made.

He desired us, He created us, He knew us.  Then he pulled back His arrow and shot it straight to the intended target and hit His mark. Because of that one act, the imperfect are made perfect. Hallelujah!

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