Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Mid-Week Message - Lessons From the Father

Sometimes, when I sit down to write an article, I am overwhelmed by thoughts and have trouble sorting out what I should write.  In my life, I see the Lord in everything.  Maybe it comes from working with children for so many years. or maybe He just speaks to me in a unique way, but reminders of His love and power are absolutely everywhere I turn.  

One of my favorite games with children is to challenge them to bring me any object and I will show them what they can learn about God through it.  For instance, a pencil reminds us that He will write His laws upon our hearts.  The eraser signifies forgiveness because when we confess our sins He remembers them no more.  Thread can teach that we are woven together in our mother's womb.  A needle brings to mind that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into Heaven.  

I have mentioned before that the Father's word for me this year is "trust."  My family, like all others, encounters difficulties and changes that are challenging.  In January, when He first whispered to me to trust Him, I had no idea what He was preparing me for.  Since then, He has repeated it to me regularly in scriptures, in devotionals, in casual conversations with friends and even through what is posted on social media.  And I have had the opportunity to see why that word is so important.  We are going through some major challenges right now and trusting in Him has been crucial for me.  In times of fear I hear that first whisper echoing in my heart and mind and am reminded and encouraged that He is in charge.  

Child development teachers say that the best way to get a child's attention isn't by yelling at them but rather by getting down on their level and speaking very softly to them.  They have to pay closer attention to understand what is being said.  Maybe that is why God whispers to me and uses object lessons.  When He does that, I have to pay closer attention so that I understand clearly the message He has for me.  Then, I am equipped to pass it on to others.  How good and perfect is our God in Heaven who somehow is able to relate to each of us as if we are His only child.  Even when I sit down and find myself in a healthy dose of writer's block, He is able to channel my mind into what He feels is important.  Thank you, Father. 

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