Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Mid-Week Message - Looking Forward

"Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path."  Psalm 119:105 (NIV)

I have a vivid memory of lying on my bed as a teenager and thinking ahead to the year 2000.  I calculated my age and realized that I would be 42 years old.  At that time I wondered if that year would even come because it seemed so far off that it was inconceivable.  

Fast forward and we find ourselves at the end of 2023!  The time has passed and it seems to have passed much more quickly than was ever expected.  Life has presented us with incredible joys and the depths of great sorrow that reminds us of the brevity of our days.  

As we prepare to step into another new year, we may find ourselves wondering how to proceed.  So many changes have taken place that we never expected to see during our lifetimes and we can't help but have some trepidation about what the future might hold.  

Matthew 6:34 (MSG) tells us, "Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now and don't get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow.  God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes."  No matter how hard we attempt to project what will happen in the future, we will be unsuccessful.  There is only One who knows what is ahead and His instruction to us is to trust Him.  

Life can be like hiking through a treacherous area in the darkest of night.  Even with a flashlight we may only be able to see just a couple of steps ahead.  We have no idea what we will encounter.  The safest way to make the journey is to have a guide who knows the way.  

Today's verse reminds us that God's Word gives us the direction we need.  He may only show us one step at a time but we can have faith that He has gone before us to prepare the way and as long as we stay close to Him, we will be safe.  He will never lead us where He cannot protect us.

As we rapidly approach 2024, we can have confidence that the Lord already knows everything the year will bring and knows exactly how He will accompany us through it.  No matter what it brings, He will be beside us.  Blessings await us as we hold onto His hand and we have nothing to fear.

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