Saturday, March 31, 2018

The Legend of the Dogwood Tree

On our property, we have two beautiful dogwood trees that have bloomed. As I look at the trees, I reminded of a beautiful poem about the legend of the dogwood tree. As we approach that blessed Easter day, let us always remember the love of our Savior, Christ Jesus, and his sacrifice for us.

Legend of the Dogwood

There is a lovely story,
 A legend tho it be
It tells how blessed Jesus,
Was pitied by a tree.

T'was in the days when Jesus,
This earth He walked upon
The Dogwood tree was larger,
 It's wood was firm and strong.

How beautiful the story,
 The legend of a tree
That sorrowed for dear Jesus,
On that cruel mount at Calvary.

It proves that if we love Him,
A blessing we'll receive
Just as the lovely story,
 Of the lowly Dogwood tree.

At the time of the crucifixion, the Dogwood
grew the size of the oak and other forest trees.
So strong and firm was the wood of it,
that it was chosen for the timber of the Cross
to be used for such a cruel purpose.
This greatly distressed the tree.

And Jesus sensed this,
 and smiled upon it
And in His gentle pity for sorrow,
Jesus looked and said to it ...
Because of your great regret and pity for My suffering
I make you this promise ,,,,

Never again shall the Dogwood grow enough
to be used for a Cross.
Henceforth, it shall be slender and bent and twisted.
And blossoms shall be in the form of a Cross,
two long petals and two short petals.

And in the center of the outer edge of each petal
there will be the nail prints browned with rust.
And stained with Blood,
and the center of the flowers
will be an image of the Crown of Thorns.

And all who see it will remember
that it was upon the Dogwood tree I was Crucified.
And this tree shall not be mutilated or destroyed
but cherished as a reminder of My Death upon the Cross.

Two petals long, two petals short,
 a symbol of the Cross.
On each the print of nails and blood,
 which pictures Jesus' lost.

In the center of each flower,
 the Crown of Thorns can see,
And so it is told...
 the Legend of the lowly Dogwood Tree. 

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