Sunday, October 22, 2017

Sunday Praise & Worship Message - Give Thanks for 5 Kernels

Many years ago, my wife and I started a series of messages that started weeks before Thanksgiving Day. The series was based on a story about a Thanksgiving tradition that stemmed from the first winter the Pilgrims endured. That first winter was very bitter and cold. With food supplies dwindling, rationing was the only solution. Each pilgrim received 5 kernels of corn daily to sustain them.

After surviving that winter, the Pilgrims received a gift from God. The Indians came as friends to help the Pilgrims by teaching them planting techniques in this new world. They showed them areas to hunt and fish. Truly blessings from God.
During that first Thanksgiving of bounty, they placed 5 kernels of corn on each plate to remind them of the blessings that they had received and to be truly be thankful. We, too, sometimes need to be reminded of our blessings. Those blessings that truly sustain us daily.

In the coming Sundays and the day before Thanksgiving, we will look at the tradition of those 5 kernels of corn.

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