Sunday, September 17, 2017

Sunday Praise & Worship Message - Pleasing God

Over the past couple of years, I have heard more individuals espouse the idea of salvation through works alone. They believe that the more they do for others will ultimately translate into a ticket to heaven. They believe that God will judge them strictly on their own merits, track their records of volunteer work and charitable donations. When He sees what they have done, then the pearly gates will swing wide for them and they will have a mansion on the upper side of Heaven.

If you ask those very same people about their faith, they say that they believe in a god and that he is fine with how they are living their lives and doing god’s work. But, when you ask them about their faith and salvation in the one true and living God, some will reply, “Does is matter which god?” All gods are just interested in having people love and care for one another.

If you look closely at these individuals, they have cobbled together their own god and given him their idea of salvation. When people do that, they are, of course, going to a heaven and they have been forgiven by their god, because he believes the same things they do. Of course, he does. He was given their ideas of salvation and forgiveness.

For us, as Christians, we realize that it is impossible to please God without having a deep-rooted faith in Him and acknowledge one immutable fact, He is.

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