Sunday, July 5, 2020

Sunday Praise & Worship Message - Plant Seeds of Peace

As Christians, we have an opportunity each day to deliver a message of peace, love and hope from our Heavenly Father to those around us. Right now, the world desperately needs that message. In fact, with everything that is going on, a heavenly message would be most welcome and give others food for thought and a moment of pause. It would be so easy for each of us to simply forget our obligations as Christians and let the world burn. We could easily shake our fingers and tell everyone that we told you so and that this is what you reap. We could all just sit back in the comfort of our homes and watch everything in 4k ultra high-definition burn to the ground with a certain smug satisfaction that this is what those evil people deserve.

I am here to tell you that no one deserves any of this and if you are sitting in your easy chair with this sort of attitude then you have forgotten the message of our Heavenly Father given to us through the life and example of His son, Christ Jesus. 

Life is not a spectator sport for us to enjoy on television or casually participate in. We are, as God’s ambassadors, to go out into the world and preach the gospel of peace, hope, salvation and, most importantly, love. All of these good things come only from the Father and are His gifts to all. If we embrace our responsibilities as Christians, we are to carry this message to those who need it.

There are so many that are scared, lonely, tired and just plain beaten down. Life has handed them a bad lot and some have resigned themselves to accepting it and living their lives in daily desperation. When you see their faces in public and not from the safety of your home, you see the look of fear and hopelessness. They cannot get beyond what they see in their lives. Each day is a struggle for them to make ends meet or just to find a moment of peace.

It doesn’t have to be that way. That same Gospel that gave us peace, love, hope and salvation is also available to all those who wish to receive it. It just takes someone to step out of their comfort zone and go out into the world to preach that Gospel. It isn’t that hard. It just requires that you share what Jesus did for you. The message is simple. Jesus came into this world to teach us about God the Father and how to live our lives in accordance with His laws.

James, in chapter three of his book, writes, “And those who are peacemakers will plant seeds of peace and reap a harvest of righteousness.

Any farmer will tell you the same thing. A crop doesn’t just show up in a grocery store. It requires work. Farmers start their days early and end them very late. They work hard to provide the food that we eat and enjoy. They work to cultivate the soil and prepare it for the seed. The seeds that the farmers pick are good seeds that will yield a bountiful harvest.

In the case of our lives, God has provided us with great seed, but if it sits and isn’t planted, there will not be a harvest. It is up to us to cultivate the soil and plant that great seed into the prepared hearts of those who are in need of peace, hope, love and salvation. 

When that seed is planted and it begins to germinate, it will grow and flourish and yield a righteous harvest for all to see. But, the only way for this to happen is to go out into the world and sow those seeds into the hearts of those who are desperate for that message.

In chapter one of his book, James writes, “Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow. He chose to give birth to us by giving us his true word. And we, out of all creation, became his prized possession.

Everything that is good and perfect comes from the Lord. When we receive those good things, we shouldn’t hoard them or just allow them to sit on our shelves and collect dust. We must share those things with others. 

When we accepted Jesus Christ as our personal Savior and Lord, we were born again and were given the true word of God the Father. We are His children and His prized possession. As His children, we have certain responsibilities. We are to share that same message that gave us peace, love, hope and salvation with all those who grope in darkness. Each is seeking something that will fill a void in their lives. We can share that message by sowing a seed of peace in their lives. The peace that I am talking about is spiritual peace. This peace is, as Paul, in chapter two of his letter to the Philippians, tells us is “God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand”.

Can you imagine what the world would be like if we all learned what God’s peace truly is and means? If we lived in peace, harmony and love with one another, things would be very different indeed. But, it can only start with planting those seeds each day.

We must be like farmers. We must start our days early and end them late. We must toil to cultivate the soil and plant those seeds. When all is done, we can stand back and behold the harvest of righteousness.

Jesus, in his Sermon on the Mount, tells those who came to listen to his words, “God blesses those who work for peace, for they will be called the children of God.

Peace doesn’t just happen. It requires sweat and labor daily. But, realize this. As we labor for the Master, our work will be rewarded. Each sacrifice made will be rewarded many, many times over. As His children, we must work for peace and that righteous harvest. When we do all those things, we truly can stand firm in His grace.     

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.

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