Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Mid-Week Message - Prayer

"In the same way the Spirit [comes to us and] helps us in our weakness. We do not know what prayer to offer or how to offer it as we should, but the Spirit Himself [knows our need and at the right time] intercedes on our behalf with sighs and groanings too deep for words."  Romans 8:26 (AMP)

"The weakest Christian can at any period of his life at any moment of the day and in any circumstance cry out to God for help and instantly have the resources of the infinite, sovereign God at his disposal".  James Montgomery Boice

I have spent more time in prayer during the last year that I believe I have in my entire life combined.  My husband's illness, along with all of the uncertainties that went with it, drove me to the one place that I could find refuge and kept me there.  I always thought I understood what "praying without ceasing" meant, but I was wrong.  It wasn't until there was absolutely nothing within my control that I learned to trust in the Holy Spirit to assist me in laying my petitions at the feet of the Savior.  

Today, as we have now seen the three miracles that we were praying for come to fruition, I find myself yearning to stay in the oneness that communication with the Father creates.  His nearness is what I crave the most.  As we are preparing to move from the home that we have lived in for the last five years, I have no fear because I know that there is no place where He cannot be and I praise Him with my whole heart for that.  

So many of my friends and loved ones are going through hardships at this moment.  My personal problems have eased but now it is my turn to do for them what they did for me, lift up their names and needs to the One who can help.  The Great Physician.  He who has power over all things.  The Master Artist and Designer.  Our Provider, Father and Lover of our souls.  

I understand so well how it feels to be without words.  Sometimes I would sit before Him and just shake my head and weep.  Sometimes I would ask Him for the right words to say.  But I had the assurance that the Holy Spirit would convey my feelings and needs even though I was unable.  I cannot express to you how precious that became to me.  And so now, it is with honor that I pick up the needs of my friends and take them before the Throne of God in whatever way I can.  

For my dear friend that was just diagnosed with stage 3 cancer, my college friend with heart problems, another friend's granddaughter who needs a heart transplant, my aunt who is aging and having health problems, my cousin who endures many of the same personal issues that I do plus is about to have surgery on her eyes, a dear lady from our previous ministry who now has alzheimers and her precious daughter who is caring for her, the wife of a former co-worker who is battling back from a devastating illness, a sweet friend with breathing problems and the other loved ones suffering various health problems I say this, "You are not alone.  When the days are long and uncertain, the Lord knows where you are and what you are going through.  He is the Creator who was there with you in the womb and knows each of your cells intimately.  He knows what your body needs and is able to heal with just a thought."  

For those who are facing financial difficulties, remember that He owns the cattle of a thousand hills.  Everything belongs to Him. There is no resource that is out of His reach or control.  Trust Him.  He will provide because He loves you more than you can ever conceive of.  You are His child and He will not abandon you.  

There is no difficulty that He cannot help with.  Go to Him.  There are no special words you need to speak to get His attention.  You already have it.  Just lay your heart before Him.  If you don't know which words to say, that's okay.  The Holy Spirit will carry your thoughts and feelings to Him for you.  Just be still and let Him be God.  

There is no power greater than prayer.  It takes you directly to the King of Kings.  In whatever state you find yourself, wherever you are in life, no matter what you are struggling with, He longs for you to come to Him.  He will not let you down.  I promise, but more importantly, He promises.  God bless.

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