Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Mid-Week Message - Legacy

"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise." Deuteronomy 6:5-7 (ESV)

There's one word in the English language that means more and more to me as I grow older.  That word is legacy.  As I witness the passing of more and more friends and become more aware that my own time on this earth is going to end, I think more of what I will leave behind.  

My own parents had to be admonished to use their money for themselves.  My father worked incredibly hard his whole life.  He left home at the age of nine.  He moved into a room above a cafe that some friends owned.  During the day, he went to school.  After school, he worked in the cafe. He lived that life until he was eighteen when he joined the army, then upon being honorably discharged, he went to work for Southwestern Bell and worked there for thirty-five years until he retired.  It was a hard life for him.  He had very tired, but beautiful, green eyes and worn and calloused hands.  He took great care of his family and put away what money he could.  Before his death he often spoke about leaving something (meaning money) behind for his children.  We assured him we would rather he use the money to do things that made him happy.  He worked hard for it.  We wanted him to have a little enjoyment in what life he had left.

I believe he was thinking of his legacy.  He wanted to leave something that we could use.  He also left us various items that he had labeled for us and placed in the cedar chest he had made early in life.  What he didn't understand was that the legacy he left was the great love he showed each of us, his humor which each of us has a bit of, and the name that he carried.  He was an honorable and honest man who was very well respected.  Most of all, he loved the Lord.

As I began thinking about what legacy I would leave for my daughter, the most important thing I could think of to leave was something that would point her to Jesus.  I have made many mistakes in my life.  I have had many struggles.  But the one thing that has enveloped me is the love that comes from above.  As a pre-schooler I was taken to church the first time by a neighbor named Betty Allen in Amarillo, Texas.  I fell in love with the Lord and I have never turned back.  He has been there for me every second of every day of my life and I look forward to seeing Him in person one day and spending eternity praising and thanking Him. Because of this, I chose to leave behind something dear to Bible.

Several years ago, I began writing notes to her in my Bible. I tied them to verses and passages that I felt would be encouraging.  It gave me a chance to show her the Way.  To point her in the right direction when she encountered difficult or confusing times. There is nothing I want more for her than for her to know the Lord as I have known Him.  For her to experience the deep affection that He has for her and to know that she can always turn to Him, no matter what.  If she will take it to heart, that will be the greatest legacy I can leave.  And someday who knows?  Just maybe she will pass it on.  

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