Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Mid-Week Message - Kind Words

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer." Psalm 19:14 (ESV)

Here is a little secret about me - I love pretty hairstyles.  Seriously!  I have stopped women in stores to tell them I love their hair.  Some ladies are able to do the most amazing things with braids.  Others have pretty curls or up do's that I can only admire in awe. My own hair does one thing.  I have worn it the same way for more years than I can remember.  When I look for a hairstylist, I look for someone who can duplicate the cut that I have because if they don't I won't have the slightest idea of how to make it look good.  I can remember as a child going with my mother to the beauty shop when she had her hair done.  Back then the popular style was to have it teased and sprayed to the point that it wouldn't move in a hurricane.  I had to draw a picture of my mother once and I drew her with hair that was almost as high as she was tall.  Ah, memories.

I wonder sometimes if people think I am strange for complimenting them on their hair.  I do get some odd looks.  But almost always I also get a smile.  And, at times, I see a very serious expression turn into surprise and then joy when the person realizes that the statement is sincere and that they are in possession of something that someone else appreciates.  I always hope they are able to carry that new expression throughout their day.

In short, whether it is for hair or other reasons, I love to make people smile.  For most of us just a little bit of kindness or encouragement goes a long way.  I was reading some statistics about depression and I discovered that 25 million Americans suffer from some type of major depressive episode each year.  What a staggering number!  I know there is far more involved in remedying depression than a momentary smile but what if that is the only time someone smiles during the day?  You never know what impact a small word of encouragement can make.  

With so many people hurting around us, every word that comes from our mouths should matter.  We may not know someone well enough to speak to their heart but we can always find something positive to say.  Whether it is complimenting them or giving a sincere "God Bless You!", there is always a way to use words to edify those near us.  

Let's make it a priority to show kindness in word and in deed.  Countless strangers cross our paths each day and we can't know what is going on in their lives.  If we can give them the gift of just one smile, that may be pure treasure to them.  Family, friends, neighbors, co-workers and acquaintances need the same.  We can all point to a time when someone unexpectedly made us feel good by something they said or did.  There is far too much negativity in this world.  May you feel treasured this week.  God bless you! 

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