Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Mid-Week Message - He Will Not Let You Down

"The Lord is my strength and shield.  I trust him with all my heart.  He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy.  I burst out in songs of thanksgiving."  Psalm 28:7  (NLT)  

When we were young, we dreamed of being older.  Didn't we all wish for the time when we would be on our own, making our own decisions in life and be out from under our parents' control?  We dreamed of being able to do the things we wanted to do when we wanted to do them.  We idealized our future careers, dreamed about meeting our life partners and planned for how we would raise our own children.  We would be different.  We would do better.  How naïve were.

We had no idea what adult life was truly like.  We didn't know how onerous the responsibilities would be.  Not being able to see the future, we didn't have any idea what troubles we might encounter.  Our fantasies didn't include financial problems, job losses, caring for elderly parents, battling disease, worrying over addicted children or dealing with our own mortality.  We certainly couldn't have foreseen political unrest or a time when this nation would turn against those who put their lives on the line every day to protect us.  

The reality is that we have no way of knowing what tomorrow will bring.  I can remember my mother telling me not to wish my life away and to enjoy being young as long as I could.  Those were wise words that I did not understand at the time.  Now, how I long to go back and let someone else be in charge so that I can live oblivious to the problems that life inevitably presents.  Wouldn't you like that as well?  

Life is not just hard, sometimes it is too hard.  Many days we awake not knowing what our next step should be.  It may be that the money is not there to pay the bills or that our job may be eliminated. Maybe a marriage is on the rocks or a child is in danger.  There are so many possibilities that can be thrown at us.  What are we to do?  

Just as those who came before us had to do, we have to find away to cope with all we are handed.  Thankfully we serve a God who has promised never to abandon us.  Though we find ourselves weak and worn, He is strong and faithful.  He says that His grace is sufficient for us and that is a grand promise because much of the time that is all we seem to have to hold onto as we lift our voices and cry for help. 

Praise God that we have Him to run to!  There is nothing that happens in our lives that catches Him by surprise.  Psalm 139:16b says, "All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be."  This is our assurance that before He even created us, He already knew everything that we would encounter.  He has walked the road ahead of us and knows how to lead us through whatever we are facing.  Though the way seems dark, He is the light that will guide us.  

Are you crying out for help?  He hears you.  Does it seem as though the help never comes?  I promise you that He is not ignoring your pleas.  He is there.  Listen for the gentle whisper of His voice.  Sing praises of thanksgiving, not because you see the answer, but because you know that He is in charge and will provide it.  Trust Him.  Believe Him.  Follow Him.  He will not let you down.  

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