Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Mid-Week Message - Perfect Love

 "A new command I give you: Love one another.  As I have loved you, so you must love one another.  By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."  John 13:34-35  (NIV)

I will always be thankful that as my daughter grew up, she was around people of different races, nationalities, physical differences and capabilities.  As a result, she loves everyone.  It doesn't matter what color their skin is or where they are from.  Whether they are tall or short, suffer from physical or mental challenges, male or female, black, white or brown, she learned that God created and loves everyone, not just the people who look most like her. 

Jesus came for everyone.  The Gospel is not exclusively for one set of people over another.  His love is perfect and for all creation.  John 3:16 is one of the verses most people learn first  It says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." 

I wish that I could shout that from the rooftops.  I hear such divisive language when I am out and about.  There is so much anger and the things that come out of people's mouths can be shocking.  When I hear one person criticize or berate another I want to remind them that they are speaking to or about someone who is a "whoever", created and loved by the Great I Am.  

The man on the street that is begging for money, whether you believe he is really homeless or not, is a "whoever".  The person who just cut you off in traffic is too.  Every single human being on the face of the planet is to be loved because they have been created by God.  His Son hung on a cross for them just as He did you and I.  

I have been asked, "Would you have loved Hitler?"  My answer is simply, "Jesus did."  If we are truly His followers then we are to love as He loves.  If we were to truly strive to do so, if we would focus on hearts rather than outward differences, how different would this world be?  

This nation and world are going through a lot of turmoil.  During the past year we have seen changes that we never thought we would see in our lifetimes.  The Gospel is needed so urgently as we see people struggling with so many issues.  Rather than allowing ourselves to be divided, we need to come together, join hands and find ways to help.  

I have no idea what you are experiencing this day.  But, I can assure you that you are loved with an indescribable, unconditional, perfect love.  Let's encourage each other and find oneness rather than division.  It is a choice we get to make.  Choose God.  Choose His love.  God bless.  



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