Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Mid-Week Message - Feeling Spiritually Inadequate

"Then God asked him, 'Who gives a person a mouth?  Who makes him unable to speak, or deaf, or able to see, or blind, or lame?  Is it not I, the Lord?  Now, go!  I myself will help you with your speech, and I'll teach you what you are to say.'  Moses said, 'Please, Lord, send somebody else.'"  Exodus 4:11-13  (ISV)

Some weeks, when I prepare to write my mid-week message, I feel very inadequate.  This is one of those times.  As I read about those who have lost everything in the Bahamas because of the hurricane, and hear more about the latest mass shooting, I think about all of the pain in this world.  I know people are in need of hearing from the Lord and knowing that He remains on His throne and sees all that has happened and that He cares and is present.  They need hope and compassion.  They need tangible help.  They are asking, "Why?  Where was He while my world was being destroyed?"  

As I type word after word, I am asking the Father if they will make any difference.  I never know who will read these messages.  Each week I pray that the message will be seen by those who need to see it.  My only desire is to point the reader to the Savior and I read and re-read what I've written before I publish it and eventually just have to trust that it will be used in a positive way.  

As Moses was being instructed by God to go to Egypt, he argued that he was not capable of doing what he was being told to do.  He tried to convince the Lord that he should send someone else.  He countered each assurance he was given with an excuse.  Finally, scripture says, the Lord grew angry with him.  He had chosen Moses and He does not make mistakes.  All Moses had to do was to be obedient.  God would give him the words he needed and direct each step.  

Each of Christ's followers is called to represent Him.  Whatever talents and abilities He has given are to be used for His glory.  They are to serve a much nobler purpose than to please ourselves.  Some can preach, some teach, others lift their voices in song.  Some are good with numbers, organization or administration.  Some are artists or entertainers.  No matter what your strong points are, there is a way to use them to uplift, to encourage, to assist others who are in need and thereby spread the love of Jesus.  

Life is overwhelming.  At times it is even devastating.  At any given time, there are those who are searching for answers.  They are looking for direction, for hope, for security.  Any one of us may be put in the pathway of someone in need.  We cannot simply turn our backs and walk away thinking that someone else will step into the gap.  God has placed us there for a reason.  We may be the only one that cares enough to love someone who is suffering, confused or lost.  All we have to do is trust that our Father will show us what needs to take place in the moment then be obedient even when it is frightening or uncomfortable.  We may not all be a Moses, but we can all touch lives and make a difference.  With sincerity of heart, God bless.  

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