Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Mid-Week Message - For His Glory

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."  1 Corinthians 10:31  (NIV) 

There is a lovely song that I have heard children's choirs sing.  It is called "Rise and Shine" and the last verse says, "Rise and shine and give God the glory, glory Children of the Lord."  What a delightful thing to hear coming from the mouths of young ones.  I hope they allow it to dwell in their hearts all the days of their lives.  Its a simple song, but, oh, what an incredible lesson!  

Each week, when I write this message, I hope it is clear, I hope people read it and understand it, I hope there is nothing that can be misconstrued and I hope it touches the heart of anyone who needs for it to.  Mostly, though, my prayer is that the Lord would be glorified.  

I have loved my Savior since the first time I was taken to church by Betty Allen in Amarillo, Texas, sometime in the early 1960's.  Mrs. Allen, a neighbor, had brought a film about the Gospel from her church for our family to view in our home.  It wasn't like today where you can just pop a DVD in a player, or tune to a YouTube channel.  No, she had to bring the reels and a movie projector.  It was cumbersome and took some time, but she believed my family was worth it.  Sometime after that night, she asked if she could take me to church with her and that began my journey with Jesus. 

As I have grown in my relationship with Him over the years, I have become more and more aware of the fact that, indeed, I am a sinner and I need a Savior.  The fact that when He was nailed to that cross it was because of MY sins breaks my heart.  The thought of Him crucified and shedding His precious blood is almost more than I can take.  How could I ever turn away from that kind of love?  

Folks, I am not a preacher.  I have never had the aim of delivering a sermon.  When I write, I write from the heart and I share what I believe I am being led to share, including this time.  I try very hard to make sure that what I write is in line with the Scriptures as I never want to misrepresent God's Word.  I believe that the Bible is God inspired and is true from the beginning to the end.  Basically, as I heard a preacher say once long ago, "If God said it, I believe it, and that settles it."  

The Good News is for everyone.  It doesn't matter what race, nationality, educational level, gender or any other difference between persons.  We are all created in the image of the Almighty and He loved us enough to allow His only Son to die a cruel death upon that cross in punishment for the sins mankind has committed or will commit.  Jesus Christ was laid in a tomb and rose again on the third day, conquering death once and for all for those who repent and believe, and was raised to Heaven where He intercedes for us today.  One day, we do not know when, He will return again and every knee shall bow before Him.  

If I were to die tonight, my hope is that I would be found obedient in sharing His story and that someone, somewhere heard or read what I had to say and turned their face toward Him.   And, I pray, that whenever that moment comes for me, as it will for each of us, that my very last breath would be used to glorify my Father in Heaven.  

May you be overcome by His grace and mercy as you go through this week.  

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